Getting Started with APPUiO Cloud

This tutorial describes your first steps with APPUiO Cloud, from signup to your first deployment.

Step 1: Create an Account

To create your APPUiO Cloud account, open the APPUiO Cloud registration page. Create your account signing up with your current Google, GitHub, or Microsoft account. The video below shows the registration process.

Step 2: Login

Login to the APPUiO Cloud Portal using your newly created account.

Step 3: Add Billing Information and Create an Organization

The first thing you need to do in the APPUiO Cloud Portal is to add your billing information, and then to create an organization for yourself and your team.

If you don’t choose a default organization, you won’t be able to create new projects in the OpenShift web console later.
create organization

Step 4: Choose a Zone

In the home screen of the APPUiO Cloud Portal select the link that corresponds to your preferred zone marked as "Console"

choose zone

If you are more of a command line person, you can also copy the Kubernetes API URL and login using oc login --server=<url>.

Step 5: Get Started with OpenShift

There is a slight delay (usually less than 3 minutes) between the very first login to a zone and the default organization setup.

During this time you might see error messages like admission webhook …​ denied the request when creating a new project. These errors are temporary and will disappear after the setup on the zone is done.

Follow the "Getting Started" instructions of OpenShift; download the command line tools if you haven’t already, create a new project, and deploy your first application in just a few steps.

openshift welcome

Step 7: Use your Favorite DevOps Tool

Step 8: Learn More

The APPUiO Cloud documentation consists of the following pieces:

  • The User documentation, precisely the one you are reading right now;

  • The Technical documentation, available at the VSHN Knowledge Base, and containing important technical details of interest for DevOps engineers.

  • The Product information, with feature and pricing descriptions.

  • The Roadmap, with a sneak peek into the work planned for future versions of APPUiO Cloud.

  • The Discussions Forum, moderated by VSHN engineers and the community, where you can ask and answer questions about APPUiO Cloud.

  • And the Community Chat, for real-time conversations with other users and engineers.