Client Throttling

You may see a similar error message to the one below when interacting with APPUiO Cloud on the command line, especially when using kubectl instead of oc:

I1123 16:51:06.257182   77654 request.go:665] Waited for 1.118997154s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:

The cause is described very well in Throttling request took messages reported when running oc commands on OCP 4. Here is an excerpt:

The oc client caches a list of resources from the API server, which matches more or less the list of Custom Resource Definitions available from the API server.

It’s possible to inspect this cache in $HOME/.kube/cache/discovery/${API_END_POINT}. Entries in this cache directory are refreshed when they’re 10 minutes old. To build this cache, oc queries each apigroup end point to get a list of Resources Definitions for that apigroup.

When the cluster has a large number of operators installed, this implies a large number of endpoints to query, and such a large number of request to the API server that the client will throttle itself when doing API discovery, to avoid overloading the API server.

— Red Hat Customer Portal
Solution 5587221: Throttling request took messages reported when running oc commands on OCP 4

This behaviour has been tweaked in oc version 4.6.16 or later, but not in kubectl.