Setting up an image pull secret for a namespace

Some external container registries (for example DockerHub) have fairly strict rate limits for unauthenticated pulls. We strongly recommend setting up an image pull secret for such registries. This page will guide you through the process of setting up an image pull secret for all workloads in a namespace.

Since DockerHub is the most prominent container registry that enforces strict pull rate limits for unauthenticated pulls, we’ll illustrate the process with DockerHub.


  • You have a token for authenticating with the registry

  • You have admin access to the namespace in which you want to setup the image pull secret

Creating the image pull secret

  1. Login to the desired zone

    zone=ZONE-ID (1)
    namespace=NAMESPACE (2)
    oc login --web https://api.${zone} (3)
    oc project $namespace (4)
    1 Replace ZONE-ID with the zone on which you want to access the registry. See the list of zones for available APPUiO Cloud zones.
    2 The namespace in which you want to create the image pull secret.
    3 oc login --web may open a window or tab in your browser if you’re not currently logged in on the zone.
    4 Select the target namespace as the current project. This allows us to run commands targeting that namespace without -n $namespace.
  2. Create the image pull secret from your token

    REGISTRY='' (1)
    USERNAME=<username> (2)
    TOKEN=<token> (3)
    SECRET_NAME=image-pull-secret (4)
    oc create secret docker-registry "$SECRET_NAME" \
      --docker-username="$USERNAME" --docker-password="$TOKEN"
    1 The URL of the registry. Change this if you’re setting up a pull secret for a registry other than DockerHub.
    2 The token for authenticating with the registry. For example a "Personal access token" for DockerHub.
    3 Your user name on the registry. Check your registry’s documentation for details on how to login using a token. For DockerHub, provide your Docker ID.
    4 You can choose any name for the pull secret, but you must use the same name in the next section.
If you’re using custom service accounts to run your workloads, repeat the instruction in this section for each service account that needs to pull images from the registry.
  1. Add the image pull secret to the default service account

    SERVICEACCOUNT=default (1)
    oc secrets link "$SERVICEACCOUNT" "$SECRET_NAME" --for=pull
    1 We link the pull secret to the default service account in the namespace. This is the service account that’s used to run workloads when you don’t specify a custom service account.