Lowering Resource Quotas

This page describes how you can set up custom ResourceQuota objects in your projects to lower the quota, for example to protect yourself from unexpected cost.

It’s not possible to increase a project’s resource quota beyond the default values using this method. Setting a custom ResourceQuota with a higher-than-default value will have no effect.

Creating a ResourceQuota object

In each project, you’ll find existing ResourceQuota objects that manage the default quotas of APPUiO Cloud. These are managed by APPUiO Cloud and can’t be edited directly. In order to lower the quota for a specific resource, a new ResourceQuota object needs to be created, which contains the new, lower limit.



apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: core-object-counts
    requests.cpu: "1"
    requests.memory: "1Gi"

To apply the resource quota from the file:


oc create -f resourcequota.yaml -n <project-name>

For further reference on ResourceQuota objects, refer to the official documentation.

Preventing other users from editing the ResourceQuota object

In a shared project, it’s often desirable to restrict access to ResourceQuota objects, to prevent others from circumventing the quota by simply increasing it. This can be achieved using Kubernetes RBAC.

Permissions to manage ResourceQuota objects are governed by the resource-quota-edit RoleBinding, which is created automatically in each project by APPUiO Cloud. APPUiO Cloud users may freely edit this RoleBinding to suit their needs. By default, every user in the project’s organization has permission to manage ResourceQuota objects.

A more detailed how-to for fine-grained access control within a project can be found in Fine grained access control examples.